Accepts patients :
From all age groups: infants, children and adults.
Specialized in the treatment of:
- Stuttering (clonic, tonic, clonic-tonic)
- Aphasia (after strokes, craniocerebral injuries, a. developmental injuries)
- Speech, thinking and cognitive disorders (e.g. in the course of neurodegenerative diseases)
- Voice emission – voice emission training for journalists, actors, lawyers, all people for whom the voice is a business card
- Anxiety-based speech disorders (e.g. mutism, logophobias)
- Ankyloglossia (shortened sublingual frenulum) – in all age groups
- Myofunctional disorders (tongue resting position, swallowing, biting and chewing disorders) – joint management of patients undergoing orthodontic treatment
- Bilingual patients (therapy also in English possible)
As a neurologopedist, she also sees patients with: dyslalia, dyslexia, dyspraxia, delayed speech development, ...